Latest National CERT Newsletter Out
December 14, 2011The fall 2011 CERT Newsletter is out and contains a nice overview of CERT activities happening around the country. These serve as a good introduction to the wide range of purposes CERT volunteers are capable of. There is an emphasis in this newsletter of college campus CERTs - including an impressive photo of the Pasadena Community College (PCC) CERT trailer.
Power Outage on Maury Island Serves as Another Reminder to Be Prepared!
December 12, 2011A car accident snapped off the power pole at Dockton and Pt. Robinson roads last night about 6 PM. Unfortunately the accident curiously snapped the pole up about 20 feet high and took out the island’s primary electrical power feed. While most of island only experienced a 10 second outage, about 500 PSE customers had a couple hour service interruption. 1200 Maury Island people didn’t have power (and Comcast service) fully restored until about 3:30 PM today.
Read MoreCost of Global Warming Apparent as US Reaches 12th Mega-Disasters in 2011-- each over a Billion $
December 8, 2011CBS notes that this year’s 12 disasters costing over 1 billion dollars each surpasses the number seen during all the 1980’s – even with inflation adjustments. In associated reports they note that the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report indicated that additional small and large disasters can be expected with global warming.
VashonBePrepared Returns for Second Community Dinner on December 1st
December 1, 2011Here’s a reminder to attend the December 1st Community Dinner at the Vashon High School Common Room, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM.
FEMA EAS Test Failures Points Out Much Room for Improvement
November 10, 2011There were serious issues that presented the first nationwide emergency alert from working uniformly across the county. Some folks reported 30 seconds of dead air, others garbled audio. Some folks instead heard Lady Gaga’s ‘Paparazzi’!
It is good we had this test as it points out that there is lots of work to be done – likely in various state’s infrastructures.
8 Facts about Earthquake Insurance
November 8, 2011CBS recently listed a number of sobering facts about earthquake insurance that anyone from a scesmicly active area - like those of us from the Salish Sea would do well to be familiar with. Most know it isn’t included in standard homeowner’s policies, but even with it beware of the large number of restrictions in comparison to fire or other policies.
Read MoreAdjust your clock for Daylight Savings Time? Then its also time to check your Emergency Stockpile!
November 8, 2011Get Ready: Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks is the name of a new biannual campaign to encourage checking on your emergency preparedness kit of food, water, first-aid supplies, medications and food for pets. Do it when you set your clock forward or backward an hour. American Public Health Association is leading (or at least championing) this effort, as noted in this article: The campaign web site has a number of helpful suggestions and guidelines.
VIFR sponsors November Community Dinner at VHS
November 3, 2011The Fire District is sponsoring the community dinner at Vashon High School tonight. The school district puts on these dinners once a month to raise funds for the school’s lunch program. A suggested donation is $10 per person, but come by, enjoy a dinner and support this wonderful program.
FEMA’s Community Preparedness Webinar-- Introduction to the National Disaster Recovery Framework
November 3, 2011Join FEMA Tuesday, November 8th to learn how the recently released National Disaster Recovery Framework (NDRF) provides a more inclusive, collaborative and comprehensive approach to addressing disaster recovery issues and challenges. The NDRF defines how we will work together as a nation to best meet the disaster recovery needs of individuals, families, communities, and states.
The NDRF is based on the principle that all emergency management partners, including the private sector, non-profit organizations, faith-based organizations, and individual citizens, as well as local, state, tribal and federal government agencies, have a role to play in the recovery process. In catastrophic scenarios, leveraging Whole Community resources to meet the needs of disaster impacted communities is essential. If you have a role in disaster recovery operations, you don’t want to miss this!
To join this free webinar on Tuesday November 8th at 10:50 a.m. PST, click here. We ask that you register fifteen minutes prior to the start time.
Puyallup Emergency Preparedness Fair November 5th
October 31, 2011Puyallup’s Emergency Management Department is hosting a free Emergency Preparedness Fair this Saturday at their fairgrounds. Learn to build an emergency kit, learn about their CERT, ARES & related citizen corps programs, fire safety and much more.
Introductory HAZUS Webinars Available
October 21, 2011Hazus is a nationally applicable standardized methodology that contains models for estimating potential losses from earthquakes, floods, and hurricanes. Hazus uses Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology to estimate physical, economic, and social impacts of disasters.
NOAA Updates Winter Predictions-- Wetter–and now Colder–than Average
October 21, 2011NOAA had already posted news that we were likely to have a wetter than average winter in the northwest. Now they’re also saying there is over a 33% chance it may be colder than average, according to their latest long range forecast issued Thursday, and their “non-technical” explanation.
Real Change’s Survive the Streets Seeking Warm Clothes
October 21, 2011In addition to helping maintain Vashon CERT’s generators at the local fire stations each month, Vashon’s Dennis Schroeder has been a volunteer at the Real Change newspaper for the past five years, as well as serving on its Board of Directors for a two-year term. For those who may not know, Real Change is the street newspaper that is sold in Seattle and the surrounding areas by homeless and low-income people.
2011 Great California ShakeOut Earthquake Drill Interrupted by Real Quakes
October 21, 2011It is not too surprising that it would happen somewhere in California in any given day, but yesterday’s 2011 Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill was punctuated with a few minor quakes yesterday around the Berkeley area. No injuries and only minor damage was reported.
Draft “Task Books” for Key Incident Command System Positions Available for Comment
October 18, 2011It appears that the ICS Task Books that help evaluators judge ICS performance (2007 versions are online at have been newly revised in April 2011, and are now published as a draft docket currently undergoing a comment period as detailed in the October 4th Federal Register. These may be revisions of the original 1993 Wildland Fire evaluation forms that are still on the Department of Labor’s OSHA site.
Infographic on FEMA’s Spending for the Year
October 18, 2011Thanks to King County’s Dave Nichols for spotting this infographic by the Digital Surgeons depicting where FEMA’s funds have gone this year.
Swarm of 7 Earthquakes around Rainier
October 18, 2011KING 5 News reported today a swarm of earthquakes in recent weeks around Mount Rainier: nothing especially exciting, but an alert that it IS an active volcano!
Read MoreJapan Clears the Debris
October 18, 2011If you appreciated my 14 March post that mentioned the ABC site showing before & after images of some tsunami scenes, you’ll likely also appreciate this somewhat similar set of photos from the Sacramento Bee that show 3 sequential images shot from the same perspective – of maybe a dozen different scenes. Thanks to Cathy Rogers & Jill Watson for alerting us to these.
New Tukwila Radio Club Forms–to work with the Tukwila Office of Emergency Management
October 15, 2011A posting to the northwest DStar email list reports that a new Amateur Radio organization is being formed in Tukwila that will help to foster volunteerism, offer radio and emergency management training and build a sense of community.
Business NERO Jumps into Action
October 13, 2011Over the last year Debi Richards, the Vashon Chamber of Commerce’s Executive Director has been thinking about how to encourage businesses to get better prepared.
King County Executive Dow Constantine Recognizes Vashon with Inaugural Community Preparedness Award
October 12, 2011The residents of Vashon and all the volunteers and organizations under the VashonBePrepared banner were honored Friday, September 30th by King County Executive Dow Constantine and King County Councilmember Joe McDermott - the final day of National Preparedness Month. As described by the actual 2011 King County Executive Award for Community Preparedness, and by the official King County press release, the award was to the entire community and emphasized the many contributors to Vashon’s preparedness. The Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps Council was likewise lauded with a similar award.
You may have a home fire escape/disaster plan–but do you practice it?!
October 12, 2011According to 1st Alert, 79% of families have a fire escape plan, but 51% have never practiced it, and 29% have only done so once.
Seattle Red Cross Sponsors Amateur Radio General Class Course
October 11, 2011Seattle Chapter, American Red Cross, is Sponsoring an Amateur Radio General Class Licensing Course
La Nina–AGAIN!
October 8, 2011While last winter didn’t seem that cold (skiing was NOT as epic as I had hoped or the dramatic forecasts had predicted), it did have lots of rain and this year is likely to be colder and wetter than average also. According to the national Climate Prediction Center’s announcement yesterday, it looks like a wetter, but not necessarily colder winter than average. Their analysis balances a variety of models, each with a differing assessment, complicating the prediction. My personal advice: expect rain and look out the window for the latest weather update.
Upgrades to North End Voice of Vashon Standing By Alert Sign
October 7, 2011Thanks to Steve Allen for installing a new automatically activated alert system this afternoon at the North End Fire Station. The system has been improved gradually overtime and no longer relies on monthly volunteers swapping out manually charged batteries for instance. The new system is actually located inside the fire station and so has a trickle charger that will keep the batteries topped off.
King County Executive Dow Constantine’s 2011 Award for Community Preparedness to VashonBePrepared
October 7, 2011On September 30th, King County Executive Dow Constantine presented the citizens of Vashon and the organizations that comprise VashonBePrepared with his 2011 Award for Community Preparedness as noted in the King County press release and my comments on the award. The actual text of the award follows:
Washington Coast Gets New Glasses, errrr Doppler Radar
September 30, 2011After years of championing the cause, Atmospheric Scientist Cliff Mass, should certainly be happy as Washington’s first coastal Doppler radar site opened yesterday. The new site at Langley Hill is already operational and photos can be viewed on this site.
Seattle’s Complex Sedimentary Basin Complicates Seismic Predictions
September 30, 2011UPI reports that the Seismological Society of America said yesterday that the 2 mile complex sedimentary basin underlying Seattle can amplify earthquake shaking in a way not well modeled. Existing models assume more uniform rock substrates – ours will take more study to properly model.
Paine Field Certified as 1st Non-Military Local Federal Staging Area
September 23, 2011According to the Herald Tribute, Paine Field is the 1st non-military federal staging area to receive certification to launch evacuations or medical treatment for disasters anywhere in the U.S. See the Press release here.
Read MoreCDC Report Released-- “Public Health Preparedness-- 2011 State-by-State Update on Laboratory Capabilities and Response Readiness Planning”
September 23, 2011"Public Health Preparedness: 2011 State-by-State Update on Laboratory Capabilities and Response Readiness Planning," is the latest report by the CDC’s Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response that evaluates the nation’s ability to respond to public health emergencies such as disease outbreaks and natural disasters. This report focuses on public health laboratories, which are critical for identifying and understanding health threats and disease outbreaks, and response readiness planning, which enables communities to efficiently distribute medicines and other supplies received from CDC’s Strategic National Stockpile during a public health emergency. The report compares recent data to past data indicating national improvements in these two preparedness capabilities.
Heritage Foundation Questions Effectiveness of UASI Grants
September 23, 2011The Heritage Foundation’s David Muhlhausen challenged the efficacy of the DHS's Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) grant program. While there may not be adequate independent review of the results, I know there is good competition for these funds in King County and they are going to solid programs. Read the interview at:
Read MorePreparedness Considerations for the Pets, Livestock, and Animals in Our Homes and in Our Lives Webinar on 22 Sept
September 21, 2011Connect to 1:50 pm (PST?) on Thursday, Sept. 22, 2011. (Enter as a guest.)
Vashon True Value Supports Emergency Preparedness
August 26, 2011It’s great to note that Vashon True Value’s online store has a special section for Emergency Preparedness! (Hopefully they will soon round this out to include all the items from VashonBePrepared’s disaster checklists.) Other local stores also have dedicated sections for disaster supplies. Maybe we can develop a special listing on our new web site for all these efforts.
Significant Quakes Strike East Coast & Colorado
August 23, 2011The region between Richmond and Charlottesville in Virginia received a 5.9 magnitude earthquake at 1:51 p.m. on Tuesday.
Read MoreFEMA computer predicts massive damage from Seattle quake
August 13, 2011The Associated Press came to this week’s 5th Annual Hazus conference held at the federal building and wrote up a nice piece citing (yet again) that we are not ready for the huge quakes possible from any number of faults, but especially the Seattle and Cascadia faults:
Latest on Auctioning of Public Safety “D” Block
August 7, 2011In case you are following the debate on auctioning off the “D” block – dearly desired by public safety officials for helping solve the interoperability issues so notable during the 9/11 attacks – check out this latest story by the National Journal which reports the legislation is definitely in play with the latest budget battles. (VashonBePrepared has not taken a stand on this issue, but knows many of you are tracking this issue!)
Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference 2012, April 10-11, 2012
July 14, 2011
Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference 2012
April 10-11, 2012
Greater Tacoma Convention & Trade Center, Tacoma, WA
Science & Analysis of Japanese Quake Paints a Grim Message for the Northwest
July 10, 2011Oregon and Washington are likely to have a very serious earthquake in future decades, according to a disturbing article in the Oregonian.
Federal Grant Period is Upon Us
July 9, 2011FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) grant programs provide funding for eligible mitigation activities that reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damages. Currently, FEMA administers the following HMA grant programs:
FEMA’s Fugate Refocuses on Disaffected, not Able-Bodied
July 9, 2011The key Washington insider’s news organization has a new positive interview with FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate. It sounds like he wants to involve the community, and actually go beyond the lowest level first responders – and even beyond “able-bodied adults who have the financial means to meet basic needs“ – and instead focus on those the disasters typically impacts most: those less fortunate, pets and others they’ve had to previously specially address with annexes to the main plans. The new plans are supposedly much more oriented to those least resilient.
Northwest Area Contingency Plan (NWACP) Update to Guide Local Oil Spill Response
July 8, 2011An oil spill off Vashon was one of the first incidents where a team of Vashon CERTs and Public Information volunteers deployed, back on October 14, 2004. As an island with precious habitat and adjoining shipping channels, Vashon residents need to think not only of land based but water based incidents too.
September is National Preparedness Month
July 5, 2011September is National Preparedness Month (NPM)! This awareness month is sponsored by the Ready Campaign in partnership with Citizen Corps. NPM is held each September and is designed to encourage Americans to take simple steps to prepare for emergencies in their homes, businesses, and communities
NW Citizen Corps Expo 2011-- August 20th
July 5, 2011Registration is open during July ONLY for the upcoming NW Citizen Corps Expo, to be held from 7:30 AM to 5 PM on August 20th at the Washington State Fire Training Academy (east of North Bend on I-90).
Summer 2011 CERT Newsletter Published
June 29, 2011In this issue of the 12 page CERT National Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 4, you will read about the creative and diverse ways CERT members serve their communities when they aren’t activated for emergency situations.
King County Healthcare Coalition Recognized by the Seattle Times
June 29, 2011The King County Healthcare Coalition is a network of healthcare organizations and providers working together to strengthen emergency preparedness and response. A voluntary organization administered by Public Health – Seattle & King County, the Coalition is open to all organizations and individuals that provide or support health care services in King County.
VMIRC’s Delightful 2011 Field Day-- “Best Yet!”
June 27, 201136 amateur radio operators and elected officials attended Vashon-Maury Island Radio Club’s 2011 Field Day Saturday and Sunday.
VIFR to get Introduction to ARES
June 27, 2011John Galus will give an Introduction to Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) to VIFR firefighters and EMTs at VIFR Fire Station 55 at 7 PM(?) on July 5th.
Paul Nichols’ Time Lapse Quake Maps
June 24, 2011If you’ve not come across them, Paul Nichols has created several time lapse earthquake maps. Working at the University of Canterbury's Digital Media Group, he takes USGS or GeoNet data and plots it using the Google Maps API to create a fascinating animation.
All the pre-prepared Public Service Announcements one could ask for!
June 22, 2011The CDC has a slew of professional, tested and vetted PSAs that could come in handy on Vashon after a disaster.
Washington State Law-- RCW, Title 38, Chapter 38.52 Emergency Management
June 15, 2011Many answers to questions you may (or may not!) have had are to be found in the following section of law:
Seattle Times Posts useful Landslide Info
June 15, 2011The Seattle Times posted a special section on June 10th with useful tips for those with (or concerned about) a landslide. My neighbor who had a very expensive landslide late last year just pointed this useful information out to me. Read the full report at:
Where to get more information on landslides
Read MoreUnited States is the most severe weather-prone country on Earth
June 14, 2011“The United States is the most severe weather-prone country on Earth according to the National Weather Service. Hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and other natural disasters can strike without warning and force you to evacuate your home or cause disruptions in mail service.”
Read MoreSecuring the D Block for Public Safety–without major fees to telecommunication companies
June 12, 2011There is critical legislation regarding public safety organizations’ ability to communicate – without paying telecommunication companies huge fees (subsidies?!). A reprint on one side of this issue follows. (Note that VashonBePrepared has not taken a stance on this or any other legislative to date. We may in the future – our 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status only prevents us from spending a “substantial” portion of our budget for influencing legislation.)
Read MoreNational Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) up for renewal via Senate Bill 646 & H.R. 1379-- Voice your Position!
June 10, 2011There are many federal entities that sponsor research, but a very few like the National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) which provides a critical link between important research findings and practical application. For us in Washington—the second highest earthquake risk state in the country—putting good research to use is of the utmost importance. I asked EMD’s Earthquake Program Manager John Schelling say more about this great program, below.
—Jim Mullen, director, Washington State Emergency Management
FEMA Releases “Earthquake-Resistant Design Concepts-- An Introduction to the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures”, FEMA P-749
June 10, 2011The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is pleased to announce that Earthquake-Resistant Design Concepts: An Introduction to the NEHRP Recommended Seismic Provisions for New Buildings and Other Structures, FEMA P-749, is now available, at no cost, from the Publications Warehouse and online from the FEMA Library.
Don Price Headed Mississippi ESF-6 Efforts
June 9, 2011I heard that “our” very own Don Price recently served as the head of ESF-6 for FEMA’s recovery efforts in Mississippi! He and other locals who have been serving afield will present their debrief on Tuesday, June 21st, from 1 – 3 PM. The location is the King County Office of Emergency Management Room 114 – Main Coordination Center.
SEAW Engineers to Present Observations from Japanese Earthquake Reconnaissance
June 7, 2011Seattle, Washington, June 1, 2011 – On Friday, March 11, 2011 at 2:46 PM (local time), the northeast coast of Japan was struck by a magnitude 9.0 (M9.0) subduction earthquake as the boundary between the Pacific and the North American plates ruptured along an offshore section. The rupture extended about 200 miles along the Japan coast, resulting in approximately 100 feet of vertical slip and causing a series of devastating tsunamis. A similar event along the Cascadia Subduction Zone could extend from Vancouver Island to Northern California, affecting western Washington and Oregon communities.
CERT in Action!
June 7, 2011Learn about the activities of CERTs across the country in the CERT in Action! stories just posted at the national CERT website:
5th Annual National HAZUS Conference set for Seattle, August 10-12
June 7, 2011Mark your calendars! The Annual Hazus Conference will be held in Seattle, Washington, August 10 – 12, 2011, at the Henry M. Jackson Federal Building.
Natural Disasters Displace 42 Million in 2010
June 7, 2011About 42 million people were forced to flee their homes because of natural disasters around the world in 2010, more than double the number during the previous year, experts said Monday.
Read MoreVIFR’s Produces a New Video
June 6, 2011Vashon's Jojo has produced a great new video aimed at helping recuit volunteers to help the community with the vital work of fighting fires & helping provide medical help. Congratulations!
Read MorePlanet Earth Doesn't Know How To Make It Any Clearer It Wants Everyone To Leave
June 4, 2011Flights of fancy (and a bit of vulgarity) continue over in the editorial offices of the Onion as they present their take on recent disasters: a personified Earth is tired of humans’ presence.
Ready Business PSAs Urge Small Businesses To Prepare for Emergencies
June 3, 2011Up to forty percent of businesses affected by a natural or man-made major disaster never reopen
Read MoreKing County Mass Care Regional Forum Agenda Announced
June 2, 2011The goal of this free forum is to bring together government, non-profit, faith-based and other partners who would have a role in Mass Care (shelter, feeding, distribution of emergency supplies, etc.) for disasters in King County. The Forum is hosted by the King County Mass Care Workgroup.
Pacific Northwest Geodetic Array Quantifies Earthquakes
May 31, 2011Scientists now can track the minuscule motions of shifting plates as they happen, thanks to an expanded network of GPS sensors that covers the region like a blanket and beams back data almost instantly.
Read MoreGreenhouse Emissions Hit Record Level & Germany Ends Nukes
May 31, 2011Carbon emissions from energy use reached a record level last year, up 5% from the previous record in 2008, the International Energy Agency said.
Read MoreVashon Maury Island Radio Club celebrates “Amateur Radio Week” with Field Day
May 28, 2011Vashon Maury Island Radio Club will celebrate Washington’s Amateur Radio Week on Vashon with our own Field Day. (We’ll actually be over achievers by holding a two day event, on June 24 & 25!)
Tribal Sovereignty Disaster Legislation Introduced
May 26, 2011Federal support is growing for tribes to have increased resources and lines of communication with the federal government when natural and other disasters strike.
Read MoreCash is Best
May 26, 2011A second disaster threatens to overtake Joplin MO by way of a tidal wave of unsolicited goods (things like clothing, miscellaneous household items, mixed or perishable foodstuffs, diapers...) and volunteers who just show up to help. Critical resources are being redirected from the important work of response and relief to managing what has become a crush of unneeded donated items. Social networking sites are promoting collection drives while radio stations, small and large businesses, business and fraternal organizations and churches around the country fill semis with items that threaten to crowd warehouses and overwhelm distribution channels in the impacted area.
Enhanced Alerting on the Way
May 26, 2011Personal Localized Alerting Network (PLAN) is a new public safety system, announced May 10th, to send free text alerts to cell phones. Geographically-targeted Presidential, emergency and AMBER alerts will use unique vibrations and tones to send alerts of imminent threats to safety. PLAN complements the existing Emergency Alert System (prior to 1998 known as the Emergency Broadcast System) and will be implemented by the FCC and FEMA. While the Commercial Mobile Alert System (CMAS) Is apparently voluntary, the Warning, Alert and Response Network (WARN) Act requires those wireless carriers to activate PLAN technology by April 2012. AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon have pledged earlier support.
Read More“If You See Something, Say Something” Campaign-- The Nationwide Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR) Initiative
May 26, 2011“900 security cameras feed into a central command center”
Read MoreDHS Announces Grant Guidance for Fiscal Year (FY) 2011 Preparedness Grants
May 25, 2011(May 19) Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano announced the release of FY 2011 grant guidance and application kits for 12 DHS grant programs totaling $2.1 billion to assist states, urban areas, tribal and territorial governments, non-profit agencies, and the private sector in strengthening our nation's ability to prevent, protect, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters and other emergencies. In FY 2011, DHS grants were reduced by $780 million from the FY 2010 enacted level, nearly a quarter of FY 2010 DHS grant funding. Read the full announcement here.
Global warming to bring MORE low clouds during the spring to Puget Sound
May 24, 2011“According to the regional climate simulations being done by my group and others at the UW, global warming will bring MORE low clouds during the spring around here.” – Cliff Mass in his June Gloom and KUOW Weekday blog. While he thinks most people will like the hotter summers also forecast - I’m not so sure I like that!
Grant Disaster
May 23, 2011It was a different type of Judgment Day and it came early on Thursday when the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced the 2011 Homeland Security Grants and the numbers were not pretty. Most funding was down significantly and for others the funds were nonexistent. The only true winners in the process were the big cities like New York that retained their full funding amounts--based on risk. See the Wall Street Journal article Some Cities Lose Funding to Prevent Terrorism
Dayton Hamvention 2011
May 22, 2011There’re a few hot new releases from this weekend’s Hamvention over in my old home state. And I’m not referring to the sewage issue there!
Read MoreWhat Motivates People to Prepare, or Not Prepare, for Natural Disasters?
May 20, 2011An article published May 11, 2011 in Knowledge@Wharton, an online resource from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Business School, looks at the question "what motivates individuals to listen to warnings and act" using the virtual world as a laboratory. Robert Meyer, a Wharton marketing professor who is co-director of the Risk Management and Decision Processes Center, developed an "interactive simulation to study such factors as news media reports, storm warnings and the level of concern expressed by friends and neighbors" motivate people to act before an impending disaster.
Read MoreAmerican Red Cross Launches National Ready Rating™ Program
May 20, 2011The American Red Cross (ARC) launched a newly designed website,, to help businesses, schools and other organizations better prepare for emergencies. The announcement was made at an event involving business, education and government leaders at Red Cross national headquarters in Washington DC. Ready Rating™ is a free, self-paced, web-based membership program that helps a business or school measure how ready they are to deal with emergencies, and gives customized feedback on how they can improve their efforts. Schools and businesses may face a number of emergencies that could disrupt their operations, ranging from natural disasters such as hurricanes and floods to outbreaks of illness such as the flu. The Ready Rating Program can help them feel more confident about the safety of their employees or students. See the ARC press release for more information.
Business Continuity-- Free Technical Disaster Recovery Videos
May 20, 2011A few handy videos are available on this topic courtesy of TechSoup. While oriented to nonprofits, many of the lessons also apply to small businesses:
Read MoreSnohomish County’s Largest Disaster Drill Wednesday
May 17, 2011Hundreds of people and a score of emergency agencies will participate in Snohomish County’s largest disaster drill ever. "Shake, Rattle and Roll 2011" will be held Wednesday at Arlington's municipal airport. The scenario is a 7.5 magnitude earthquake along the South Whidbey Fault, which runs through Snohomish County.
King County Mass Care Workgroup hosts June 8 Mass Care Regional Forum
May 11, 2011The King County Mass Care Workgroup is hosting the annual Mass Care Regional Forum on June 8 and you are invited! The goal of this free forum is to bring together government, non-profit, faith-based and other partners who would have a role in Mass Care (shelter, feeding, distribution of emergency supplies, etc.) for disasters in King County. Information will be provided and exchanged on planning efforts, emerging issues, resources, and channels for receiving and offering assistance during a disaster.
Read MoreNetQuakes
May 10, 2011
The USGS is trying to achieve a denser and more uniform spacing of seismographs in select urban areas to provide better measurements of ground motion during earthquakes. These measurements improve our ability to make rapid post-earthquake assessments of expected damage and contribute to the continuing development of engineering standards for construction.
Read MoreFree Red Cross Mass Care & Disaster Action Team Training on Vashon
May 6, 2011The Seattle Red Cross will conduct a free two-day Volunteer training on Saturday June 4, and Saturday June 11, 2011, from 9:00am-6:00pm. (Both days are obligatory.) The training will be held at Vashon Island Fire & Rescue, 10020 Southwest Bank Road.
Public Invited to Learn about Disaster Training Opportunities
May 5, 2011Tuesday, May 10, 2011 at 11 AM PST
ARRL’s Western Washington Section Website Refreshed
May 5, 2011Glenn Thomas WB6W has refreshed the website of the Western Washington Section of the Amateur Radio Relay League (ARRL). Check it out at:
Regional Mass Care Forum Scheduled for Wednesday, June 8th
May 2, 2011Everyone interested in King County Mass Care issues should plan on attending an all morning forum to be held June 8th at the King County Emergency Coordination Center (ECC) in Renton. Organizers include Jill Watson (Seattle), Dave Nichols (PHSKC), Sarah Miller (Auburn), Mike Ryan (Zone 1), Howard Ferrucci (American Red Cross), Rachel Myers (Renton) and Jan Beck (Bellevue).
Read MoreVMIRC Meets this Tuesday at 7 PM in the EOC
April 29, 2011The Vashon Maury Island Radio Club’s May meeting will be this coming Tuesday, May 3rd. 7:00PM at Vashon Fire Station 55 in the EOC room. Our first Show & Tell "Topic - Randy Bardwell, K7RDB presents his home-brew, high tech "uber go-box" and also VMIRC Business Meeting.
Disaster Grant Programs Hit Hard in 2011 Federal Budget
April 27, 2011Several major source of funds for Vashon – as distributed from FEMA to the State and then to the King County OEM have taken a major hit. Future funding is going to be tighter:
Compilation of FEMA Earthquake Publications
April 27, 2011The Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are pleased to share the following compilations of FEMA earthquake publications, at no cost:
WSEMA 2011 Conference “Preparedness-- It’s Not a Mystery” begins 27 Sep in Port Angeles
April 27, 2011Washington State Emergency Management Association (WSEMA) will hold their annual conference at the Red Lion Hotel in Port Angeles, Washington on September 27-29, 2011. The theme for the 2011 conference is “Preparedness: It’s Not a Mystery”.
HazMat Spill at Port of Tacoma
April 26, 2011Today there is a 300 yard isolation zone set up around the Hyundai Oakland container ship in the Port of Tacoma after a ~4:30 AM leak from a 55 gallon container of chlorobenzotrifluoride solvent. See KIRO TV’s report for details.
AT&T’s "Fly Away" Remote Mobility Zone–a VERY Mobile Cell Tower
April 26, 2011AT&T has started selling portable cellular antennas so customers can provide their own wireless coverage in disaster-struck or remote areas. Typically cell phone companies deploy mobile trucks with larger mobile cell towers, but this gives responders control over their own deployments – albeit with fairly limited service:
How Severe was that Quake Anyway?!
April 25, 2011 King County OEM’s Pascal Schuback had a neat 138 character tweet today that took me well over an hour to digest:
2011 Federal Disaster Funding-- Mitigation 1/50th as Important as Recovery
April 25, 2011 As Eric Holdeman recently pointed out, federal disaster funding is all wrong in 2011:
FEMA to Update National Incident Management System Training Plan
April 25, 2011 The Five-Year NIMS Training Plan, originally released February 2008 is being revised. The comment period for the new National Incident Management System Training Plan ended February 22, several hundred comments have been adjudicated, and just last week the document was transmitted up to FEMA Deputy Administrator Manning, according to the Emergency Management Institute. Final release is likely just weeks away - without new obstacles. Access the The NIMS Training Plan (Draft) at, Docket # FEMA-2009-0012.
Overflow crowd gets blunt message at VashonBePrepared 2011 Annual Meeting
April 14, 2011Tom Miner, head of the Northwest's sole FEMA Urban Search & Rescue Incident Support Team, riveted an overflow audience with a clear message that after a major regional disaster, federal help is very unlikely to arrive on Vashon for well over 3 days and likely 10 – or more – days. With massive needs, emergency managers must assign their limited resources to the locations where they can do the most good for the most people. The government will clearly strive to save the most lives: to cities, to large buildings and schools where there are large numbers of people – not to rural homes. Having been at most major disasters in recent decades, he was blunt that the government does not have the resources to quickly rescue small localities like Vashon.
Disasters generate 15 years worth of solid waste in just days
April 14, 2011Disasters can typically generate up to fifteen years worth of a community's solid waste over a few days, with the potential to overwhelm day-to-day solid waste operations and to lead to years of disruption; FEMA estimates that debris removal accounted for 27 percent of their total disaster response costs for those U.S. disasters between 2002 and 2007; prolonged problems with the management of solid waste can lead to public and environmental health issues; slow management of solid waste can also impede economic recovery by inhibiting rebuilding activities.
Read MorePimp Your Go Box
April 12, 2011Randy’s got the hottest (communications, not survival) go-box on Vashon – at least that I’m aware of. I don’t see any straps on it to carry it around, but otherwise it looks pretty impressive. Check it out at
Five nuke plants in quake zones
April 12, 2011Five active U.S. nuclear reactors -- the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in California; the South Texas Project near the Gulf Coast; the Waterford Steam Electric Station in Louisiana; and the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant in North Carolina -- are situated in seismic activity-prone zones.
Read MoreNational Volunteer Week-- 10-16 April 2011
April 11, 2011National Volunteer Week is observed 10-16 April, and according to FEMA Regional Administrator Ken Murphy, it’s all about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out imaginative ways to engage in their communities.
VashonBePrepared presented with VIF&R 2010 Commissioners Award
April 11, 2011At their 2010 Awards Ceremony yesterday at Camp Burton, the Vashon Island Fire & Rescue’s 2010 Commissioners Award was bestowed upon VashonBePrepared. Fire Commissioners Rex Stratton, Gayle Summers, Ron Turner, David Hoffmann and Neal Phillip presented the award to General Joseph Ulatoski, Catherine and Michael Cochrane, Richard Wallace and myself on VashonBePrepared’s behalf. The award was clearly in recognition of all the volunteers and organizations that make our coalition thrive.
Civil Defense Workers First Aid Drill–Vashon Island 1942
April 10, 2011Courtesy of the Museum of History and Industry, and the Seattle Emergency Operations Center where a large reprint is prominently displayed, is this neat old photo.
Read MoreSupport Japan
April 9, 2011After lunch today I caught this poignant reminder of the recent Japanize triple disaster – and the world-wide support for the Japanese.
Seattle’s Community Preparedness Summit
April 9, 2011Curious how Seattle handles citizen preparedness education and communication flows, I’m at the most recent Community Preparedness Summit, hosted by Seattle OEM’s Mark Howard and Barb Graff this morning. In addition to making lots of contacts from VashonBePrepared’s sister organizations on this side of the ocean, I was especially interested to learn more about how Seattle encourages and teaches their citizens to prepare for whatever events lie ahead.
Sister Neighborhood Disaster Preparedness Groups in Seattle
April 9, 2011A host of sister neighborhood preparedness groups in Seattle exist, all working under the City of Seattle OEM:
West Seattle Be Prepared (that apparently partially chose their name based on VashonBePrepared!)
Magnolia | Queen Anne | Interbay
Capital Hill Preparedness people
See Seattle Community Network for additional resources and organizations
Seattle to start up CERT classes this summer
April 9, 2011Cathy Wenderoth works for the Seattle Police Department as the Seattle OEM’s Volunteer Coordinator. She is now organizing Seattle’s first CERT classes.
Read MoreRegional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP)
April 9, 2011Here’s another funding source we’ve yet to consider on Vashon, but that is likely available.
Obama signs rare Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-8) calling for National Preparedness Goal & System
April 9, 2011On March 30th, President Obama signed a Presidential Direction on the subject of “National Preparedness”, reflecting upon H1N1, Deepwater Horizon Christchurch and Sendai events - and lessons learned since the previous December 2003, Bush-era policy.
National Exercise Program Goes Regional & Gets New Base Plan
April 8, 2011 describes a major multi-state, national exercise simulating the 1811 New Madrid earthquake – actually a series of seismic events (up to seven on the Richter Scale) from December 1811 into 1812. According to FEMA, NLE 2011 will be the first NLE to simulate a natural hazard and also uses a state-based planning process rather than federal.
Subcommittee Reviews Status of U.S. Earthquake Preparedness
April 8, 2011Yesterday a lightly attended hearing was held by the Committee on Science, Space and Technology’s Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation looking at renewing funding for earthquake preparedness. Two northwesterners testified: Mr. Jim Mullen, Director, Washington State Emergency Management Division; President, National Emergency Management Association & Dr. Vicki McConnell, Oregon State Geologist and Director, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
It’s Disaster Preparedness Month in Washington
April 5, 2011If you haven’t seen this yet, there’s a fun preparedness campaign going on in April. Even if folks aren’t part of the first 200 people to sign up and get a free crank flashlight/radio or emergency kit, everyone will be entered for the Grand Prize! Note that the campaign is for people in King and Snohomish County. Please spread the word!
Vashon Awarded $16K for Disaster Emergency Response Trailer
April 5, 2011 At today’s Region 6 Homeland Security Council’s EMACS meeting, approximately $16K of unused funds from the FFY2009(or 2008?) Homeland Security Grant Program previously designated for Disaster Emergency Response Trailers (DERT) in King County, was re-allocated for Vashon! The trailer will primarily be used to store ADA compliant cots, blankets and pillows for use in community shelters to be set up for off-island visitors and workers unable to get home, or for residents with damaged houses.
New Guidance for Seattle Citizens to Survive Tsunamis and Earthquakes
April 3, has a new set of nice publications for citizens with very basic advice to citizens for surviving and earthquake or tsunami.
Read MoreSeattle OEM 2010 Accomplishments
April 3, 2011A great list of 2010 accomplishments by Barb Graff, Director of Emergency Management, and her staff at the Seattle Office of Emergency Management can be downloaded at:
Free Ham Radio Technician License Exam Preparatory Class-- May 20, 2011 to May 22, 2011
April 3, 2011Amateur Radio operators are people from all walks of life--no matter what age, gender or physical ability. Did you know that most of the astronauts are Amateur Radio Operators? You're never too young or old. And, getting started in Amateur Radio has never been easier! Now, you no longer have to learn Morse Code to get your first Ham Radio License, the Technician Class, as in years past! Just pass a 35 question multiple choice exam given by volunteer Ham Radio Operators and you will be "on the air" in no time!
Read MorePreparing for disasters is as easy as 1-2-3
April 1, 2011April is Disaster Preparedness Month. VashonBePrepared, in conjunction with the King County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) urges citizens to take simple steps to prepare for earthquakes, floods, man-made disasters and other emergencies.
Read MoreVashonBePrepared Meeting to Discuss Little Known Vashon Earthquake Hazard
April 1, 2011 In just the last two years, federal earthquake scientists have completed analysis of the Tacoma Fault. As it turns out, the Tacoma Fault actually runs directly across the center of Vashon, the community that could be most affected if it ruptures. The latest computer analysis indicates that shaking from the fault could be as severe as the recent earthquakes in Christchurch and Sendai. That makes it doubly or even triply important for all of us to be prepared to sustain ourselves for as long as 10 days at home until help can arrive.
Antenna Remount at VIFR Station 55
March 30, 2011Thanks to Phil W7PDZ, Tim W7TRH, Jim WA7KYI & VIFR’s Bob Larsen
for dismounting and initiating repairs on the aged mount for the 3-30 MHz HF antenna at the EOC at VIFR Station 55 yesterday. The antenna fit over an aluminum cylinder that was welded to the mast. That cylinder fatigued over time and snapped & is being replaced with something heavier. Jim kindly agreed to oversee the repairs and I understand Bob Powell has been recruited to help out too.
Crowd Sourcing and Crisis Mapping
March 28, 2011 You’ve no doubt heard about volunteers across the globe helping assist with Haitian, Libyan, and other crises by crowd sourcing: geolocating and tagging new reports and data from a wide variety of news sources like phones, web forms, tweets, email and more. By filtering for keywords and locating these reports on a map, a wide variety of emergency managers, researchers, and citizens can rapidly get a better feeling for late breaking information – well before a reporter or others have had time to synthesize the data into a summary or overview.
Your first move when the earth shakes-- “Drop, Cover, and Hold”
March 25, 2011Release Date and Time:03-25-2011 08:19:00 AM
"Triangle of Life" theory is dismissed by quake experts. The technique is not applicable for earthquake experiences in the U.S. The safest response is to "Drop, Cover, and Hold" until the ground stops shaking.
Read MoreNow is NOT the time to Cut Back on Disaster Preparedness Funding
March 21, 2011Jim Mullen, director of the Washington State Emergency Management Division and president of the National Emergency Management Association, wrote an excellent op-ed in yesterday’s Seattle Times, citing the value in maintaining funding for disaster preparedness – which is currently under threat. Read it online at:
KCSO-- new online reporting system
March 17, 2011Residents and business owners in unincorporated King County have a new way to report non-emergency crimes and traffic complaints.
Read MoreJapanese Internet Stays Up – even When Electricity Doesn’t
March 16, 2011Today's 8.9 magnitude earthquake in Japan has had surprisingly limited impacts on the structure and routing dynamics of the regional Internet. Of roughly 6,000 Japanese network prefixes in the global routing table, only about 100 were temporarily withdrawn from service — and that number has actually decreased in the hours since the event. Other carriers around the region have reported congestion and drops in traffic due to follow-on effects of the quake, but most websites are up and operational, and the Internet is available to support critical communications.
Vashon Receives Huge 350 kW Emergency Generator from Franciscan Health System
March 15, 2011Diesel-powered unit will serve community shelter during power outages
Franciscan Health System has donated a large emergency-power generator to the community of Vashon Island so residents can have a safe, warm, lighted building in which to seek shelter when Mother Nature knocks out electricity to homes and businesses in the area.
Visual Results of Japanese Tsunami
March 15, has incredible photos of the Japanese earthquake’s aftereffects – as contrasted with an initial view of the same scene.
Read MoreMost people not insured for earthquakes and floods
March 15, 2011You may think your insurance policy covers your home, apartment or business for earthquakes and floods. The Northwest Insurance Council thinks you should take a closer look, because many people are not insured for such national disasters.
Read MoreJapan-- 5th Largest Earthquake
March 15, 2011Gauges at the University of Washington lit up for hours after the initial Japanese earthquake, which now has been determined to be the fifth largest earthquake in the world since 1900.
Read MoreQuake most expensive yet
March 15, 2011Losses from the quake, tsunami and fires will total at least $100 billion, including $20 billion in damage to residences and $40 billion in damage to infrastructure such as roads, rail and port facilities, catastrophe modeling firm Eqecat estimated.
Read MoreQuake shifts Japan 13’ East
March 15, 2011“This week's earthquake caused the main island of Japan to shift as much as 13 feet to the east, seismologists say. That may sound like a shocker, but it's just one of the natural changes that come along with an 8.9-magnitude temblor — like the 1.6-microsecond speed-up of Earth's daily rotation and the 4-inch shift in Earth's axis.”
Read MoreBrett Kranjcevich Delivers Generators to Vashon
March 4, 2011I happened to be out taking pics of the
new 350 kW generator from Franciscan Health System on 3 Mar - when who should show up but Brett, hauling the other new 110(?) kW generator from King County OEM! Here’s a photo of him firing it up for the first time. Having both generators will *really* help local preparedness efforts as multiple shelters may be needed or other community facilities may also need a boost during extended outages.
HR 607 Targets Amateur Radio - and Public TV & Radio
March 3, 2011The ARRL is mobilizing the amateur community to oppose HR 607, a bill that would offer up the entire amateur 70 cm allocation for other purposes as part of a spectrum swap:
Response to the New Terrorist Threat Codes
March 2, 2011The efficacy of the terrorist threat level scheme is dubious: how to convey something so complex simply? John Cleese has a smart interpretation of these:
Read MoreNisqually Earthquake + 10 Years
February 28, 2011Taking advantage of the Nisqually Earthquake’s ten year anniversary were several retrospectives on note from key Washington disaster officials:
Read MoreNZ earthquake illustrates risks for U.S. west coast
February 24, 2011The recent 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand, killed many more people and caused far more damage than the September 2010 7.1 magnitude earthquake which struck the same area; the reason: even though this earthquake was weaker than last year's event, it was much shallower; was situated directly under Christchurch; hit during the lunch hour when more people were exposed to damage; and shook sediments that were prone to "liquefaction," which can magnify the damage done by the ground shaking; scientists say the same description nicely fits many major cities and towns in Washington, Oregon, California, and British Columbia.
Read MorePlanning Ahead-- Evergreen Quake Exercise Dates & Participation Confirmed for 2012!
February 16, 2011 Yes, 2012! More is to come, and you can consult Chief Lipe or Exercise Czar Rick Wallace for all the details, but for now please just add the following dates to next year’s calendar:
FFY11 - 12 UASI Suggested Project Development and Grant Activity
February 11, 2011Although this is dated (from July 26, 2010), it is unlikely these dates will change as they have generally been used for some years. It also helps us realize how to take part most effectively in planning (and funding!) efforts for the county. It comes from Jennifer Schaal, UASI Program Manager, Washington State Emergency Management Division.
Read MorePacific NW Explores virtual USA for Situational Awareness and Continuity of Operations
February 10, 2011The Pacific Northwest is exploring solutions that can provide officials an overview of a regional event.
Read MoreCERT Class Wraps up VIFR Commissioner Stratton
February 9, 2011At the 2/8 refresher, Rick & Deb Brown of VIFR kindly came with their daughter and helped local Vashon CERT members practice first aid and bandaging techniques on each other – including participant Rex Stratton. Here are a few photos (click on them to open larger pictures):
Read MoreChile Recovers From 2010 M8.8 Earthquake
February 9, 2011Bellevue’s MRP Engineering has a new engineering bulletin entitled Chile Recovers From 2010 M8.8 Earthquake that looks at progress made since their M8.8 earthquake February 27th, 2010. It concludes with these implications:
Read MoreWMIRC Assembles J-Poles
February 7, 2011This is likely the last year that VMIRC will build and sell J-Poles to local hams so get them while you can! Here are some pics of the group assembling in Meadow Creature’s facility.Read Enters a New Age!
January 31, 2011 Congrats to VIFR and especially Chris Coley and Chief Lipe and others who put a lot of work replacing the functionality of with a new portal based website from Firehouse Solutions. Check VIFR’s new web site which has a history, photos of all the island’s equipment, lots of background on the fire district, and more information for volunteers and the public. There is a private side to the web site also that security offers much additional functionality to staff and volunteers.
Social Media 4 Emergency Management
January 31, 2011 A new web site started yesterday and is already making many waves by attempting to be the ultimate portal for discussing Social Media’s impact for Emergency Management. Looks like an interesting source of best practices and ideas as we start crafting our own Vashon specific Social Media strategy/plan…
10th Annual WeatherFest
January 15, 201123-27 January
Washington State Convention Center
12:00–4:00 p.m
Free of Charge and Open to All!
Teachers, students, families! Mark your calendar for the American Meteorological Society’s 10th Annual WeatherFest, a cool, super-size science fair to teach you all about the weather, climate and related fields.
California's 'Big One' could be a flood
January 14, 2011California has more risk of catastrophic storms than any other region in the country – even the Southern hurricane states, according to a new study released Thursday.
Gregoire Declares Emergency for December 8-18 Storms
January 13, 2011The declaration (noted at would presumably make affected homeowners and businesses eligible for low cost loans and other assistance.
Read MoreFY 2011 Grants
January 7, 2011 has a huge list of grant programs – many of which we are eligible to apply for. Indeed if you see a critical need (and can properly justify it!) for funds for a key program, I suspect we can likely find funds for it…
2011 enABLED in Emergencies Conference• March 2-3, 2011 • Tacoma, WA
January 6, 2011enableUS & The Community Emergency Preparedness Information Network Present:
The 2011 enABLED in Emergencies Conference
March 2-3, 2011 • Tacoma, WA
"If you are waiting for a situation to develop, you are going to lose your ability to change the outcome."
Craig Fugate, FEMA Administrator
Nerd's Delight-- Latest Long Range Weather Forecast
January 6, 2011Portland was the forum for the latest long range weather forecast, earlier this week. Many gruesome details are at:
Read MoreReport-- We’re Not Ready For Bioterrorism
January 5, 2011 has the following of some interest:
If a major disease incident or bioterrorism attack were to occur today, the United States would not be read for it. That’s according to a new report supported by a grant from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
In fact, the report says “there’s an emergency for emergency health preparedness in the United States.” It calls attention to significant local, state and federal budget cuts and the impact they have had on public health departments’ ability to maintain staff capabilities, and their ability to respond to crises.
Key findings include:
* 21 states were not able to rapidly identify disease-causing E.coli O157:H7 and submit the lab results in 90 percent of cases within four days during 2007-2008.
* 33 states and D.C. cut funding for public health from Fiscal Year 2008-2009 to FY 2009-2010.
* Seven states can not currently share data electronically with health care providers.
* 10 states do not have an electronic syndrome surveillance system that can report and exchange information.
* Six states reported that pre-identified staff were not able to acknowledge notification of emergency exercises or incidents within the target time of 60 minutes at least twice during 2007-2008.
* Six states did not activate their emergency operations center a minimum of two times in 2007-2008.
* Two states did not develop at least two After-Action Report/Improvement Plans (AAR/IPs) after exercises or real incidents in 2007-2008.
View the complete report.
Source: Dairy Herd Management, Meatingplace