8 Facts about Earthquake Insurance
November 8, 2011CBS recently listed a number of sobering facts about earthquake insurance that anyone from a scesmicly active area - like those of us from the Salish Sea would do well to be familiar with. Most know it isn’t included in standard homeowner’s policies, but even with it beware of the large number of restrictions in comparison to fire or other policies.
Read MoreAdjust your clock for Daylight Savings Time? Then its also time to check your Emergency Stockpile!
November 8, 2011Get Ready: Set Your Clocks, Check Your Stocks is the name of a new biannual campaign to encourage checking on your emergency preparedness kit of food, water, first-aid supplies, medications and food for pets. Do it when you set your clock forward or backward an hour. American Public Health Association is leading (or at least championing) this effort, as noted in this article: http://www.upi.com/Health_News/2011/11/07/Twice-a-year-Check-emergency-stockpile/UPI-85881320643709 The campaign web site has a number of helpful suggestions and guidelines.