VMIRC Meets this Tuesday at 7 PM in the EOC
April 29, 2011The Vashon Maury Island Radio Club’s May meeting will be this coming Tuesday, May 3rd. 7:00PM at Vashon Fire Station 55 in the EOC room. Our first Show & Tell "Topic - Randy Bardwell, K7RDB presents his home-brew, high tech "uber go-box" and also VMIRC Business Meeting.
Disaster Grant Programs Hit Hard in 2011 Federal Budget
April 27, 2011Several major source of funds for Vashon – as distributed from FEMA to the State and then to the King County OEM have taken a major hit. Future funding is going to be tighter:
Compilation of FEMA Earthquake Publications
April 27, 2011The Department of Homeland Security and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are pleased to share the following compilations of FEMA earthquake publications, at no cost:
WSEMA 2011 Conference “Preparedness-- It’s Not a Mystery” begins 27 Sep in Port Angeles
April 27, 2011Washington State Emergency Management Association (WSEMA) will hold their annual conference at the Red Lion Hotel in Port Angeles, Washington on September 27-29, 2011. The theme for the 2011 conference is “Preparedness: It’s Not a Mystery”.
HazMat Spill at Port of Tacoma
April 26, 2011Today there is a 300 yard isolation zone set up around the Hyundai Oakland container ship in the Port of Tacoma after a ~4:30 AM leak from a 55 gallon container of chlorobenzotrifluoride solvent. See KIRO TV’s report for details.
AT&T’s "Fly Away" Remote Mobility Zone–a VERY Mobile Cell Tower
April 26, 2011AT&T has started selling portable cellular antennas so customers can provide their own wireless coverage in disaster-struck or remote areas. Typically cell phone companies deploy mobile trucks with larger mobile cell towers, but this gives responders control over their own deployments – albeit with fairly limited service:
How Severe was that Quake Anyway?!
April 25, 2011 King County OEM’s Pascal Schuback had a neat 138 character tweet today that took me well over an hour to digest:
2011 Federal Disaster Funding-- Mitigation 1/50th as Important as Recovery
April 25, 2011 As Eric Holdeman recently pointed out, federal disaster funding is all wrong in 2011:
FEMA to Update National Incident Management System Training Plan
April 25, 2011 The Five-Year NIMS Training Plan, originally released February 2008 is being revised. The comment period for the new National Incident Management System Training Plan ended February 22, several hundred comments have been adjudicated, and just last week the document was transmitted up to FEMA Deputy Administrator Manning, according to the Emergency Management Institute. Final release is likely just weeks away - without new obstacles. Access the The NIMS Training Plan (Draft) at www.regulations.gov, Docket # FEMA-2009-0012.
Overflow crowd gets blunt message at VashonBePrepared 2011 Annual Meeting
April 14, 2011Tom Miner, head of the Northwest's sole FEMA Urban Search & Rescue Incident Support Team, riveted an overflow audience with a clear message that after a major regional disaster, federal help is very unlikely to arrive on Vashon for well over 3 days and likely 10 – or more – days. With massive needs, emergency managers must assign their limited resources to the locations where they can do the most good for the most people. The government will clearly strive to save the most lives: to cities, to large buildings and schools where there are large numbers of people – not to rural homes. Having been at most major disasters in recent decades, he was blunt that the government does not have the resources to quickly rescue small localities like Vashon.
Disasters generate 15 years worth of solid waste in just days
April 14, 2011Disasters can typically generate up to fifteen years worth of a community's solid waste over a few days, with the potential to overwhelm day-to-day solid waste operations and to lead to years of disruption; FEMA estimates that debris removal accounted for 27 percent of their total disaster response costs for those U.S. disasters between 2002 and 2007; prolonged problems with the management of solid waste can lead to public and environmental health issues; slow management of solid waste can also impede economic recovery by inhibiting rebuilding activities.
Read MorePimp Your Go Box
April 12, 2011Randy’s got the hottest (communications, not survival) go-box on Vashon – at least that I’m aware of. I don’t see any straps on it to carry it around, but otherwise it looks pretty impressive. Check it out at NineByFive.com
Five nuke plants in quake zones
April 12, 2011Five active U.S. nuclear reactors -- the Diablo Canyon Power Plant and San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station in California; the South Texas Project near the Gulf Coast; the Waterford Steam Electric Station in Louisiana; and the Brunswick Steam Electric Plant in North Carolina -- are situated in seismic activity-prone zones.
Read MoreNational Volunteer Week-- 10-16 April 2011
April 11, 2011National Volunteer Week is observed 10-16 April, and according to FEMA Regional Administrator Ken Murphy, it’s all about inspiring, recognizing and encouraging people to seek out imaginative ways to engage in their communities.
VashonBePrepared presented with VIF&R 2010 Commissioners Award
April 11, 2011At their 2010 Awards Ceremony yesterday at Camp Burton, the Vashon Island Fire & Rescue’s 2010 Commissioners Award was bestowed upon VashonBePrepared. Fire Commissioners Rex Stratton, Gayle Summers, Ron Turner, David Hoffmann and Neal Phillip presented the award to General Joseph Ulatoski, Catherine and Michael Cochrane, Richard Wallace and myself on VashonBePrepared’s behalf. The award was clearly in recognition of all the volunteers and organizations that make our coalition thrive.
Civil Defense Workers First Aid Drill–Vashon Island 1942
April 10, 2011Courtesy of the Museum of History and Industry, and the Seattle Emergency Operations Center where a large reprint is prominently displayed, is this neat old photo.
Read MoreSupport Japan
April 9, 2011After lunch today I caught this poignant reminder of the recent Japanize triple disaster – and the world-wide support for the Japanese.
Seattle’s Community Preparedness Summit
April 9, 2011Curious how Seattle handles citizen preparedness education and communication flows, I’m at the most recent Community Preparedness Summit, hosted by Seattle OEM’s Mark Howard and Barb Graff this morning. In addition to making lots of contacts from VashonBePrepared’s sister organizations on this side of the ocean, I was especially interested to learn more about how Seattle encourages and teaches their citizens to prepare for whatever events lie ahead.
Sister Neighborhood Disaster Preparedness Groups in Seattle
April 9, 2011A host of sister neighborhood preparedness groups in Seattle exist, all working under the City of Seattle OEM:
West Seattle Be Prepared (that apparently partially chose their name based on VashonBePrepared!)
Magnolia | Queen Anne | Interbay
Capital Hill Preparedness people
See Seattle Community Network for additional resources and organizations
Seattle to start up CERT classes this summer
April 9, 2011Cathy Wenderoth works for the Seattle Police Department as the Seattle OEM’s Volunteer Coordinator. She is now organizing Seattle’s first CERT classes.
Read MoreRegional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCPGP)
April 9, 2011Here’s another funding source we’ve yet to consider on Vashon, but that is likely available.
Obama signs rare Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-8) calling for National Preparedness Goal & System
April 9, 2011On March 30th, President Obama signed a Presidential Direction on the subject of “National Preparedness”, reflecting upon H1N1, Deepwater Horizon Christchurch and Sendai events - and lessons learned since the previous December 2003, Bush-era policy.
National Exercise Program Goes Regional & Gets New Base Plan
April 8, 2011http://www.gsnmagazine.com/node/22726 describes a major multi-state, national exercise simulating the 1811 New Madrid earthquake – actually a series of seismic events (up to seven on the Richter Scale) from December 1811 into 1812. According to FEMA, NLE 2011 will be the first NLE to simulate a natural hazard and also uses a state-based planning process rather than federal.
Subcommittee Reviews Status of U.S. Earthquake Preparedness
April 8, 2011Yesterday a lightly attended hearing was held by the Committee on Science, Space and Technology’s Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation looking at renewing funding for earthquake preparedness. Two northwesterners testified: Mr. Jim Mullen, Director, Washington State Emergency Management Division; President, National Emergency Management Association & Dr. Vicki McConnell, Oregon State Geologist and Director, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
It’s Disaster Preparedness Month in Washington
April 5, 2011If you haven’t seen this yet, there’s a fun preparedness campaign going on in April. Even if folks aren’t part of the first 200 people to sign up and get a free crank flashlight/radio or emergency kit, everyone will be entered for the Grand Prize! Note that the campaign is for people in King and Snohomish County. Please spread the word!
Vashon Awarded $16K for Disaster Emergency Response Trailer
April 5, 2011 At today’s Region 6 Homeland Security Council’s EMACS meeting, approximately $16K of unused funds from the FFY2009(or 2008?) Homeland Security Grant Program previously designated for Disaster Emergency Response Trailers (DERT) in King County, was re-allocated for Vashon! The trailer will primarily be used to store ADA compliant cots, blankets and pillows for use in community shelters to be set up for off-island visitors and workers unable to get home, or for residents with damaged houses.
New Guidance for Seattle Citizens to Survive Tsunamis and Earthquakes
April 3, 2011www.seattle.gov/emergency has a new set of nice publications for citizens with very basic advice to citizens for surviving and earthquake or tsunami.
Read MoreSeattle OEM 2010 Accomplishments
April 3, 2011A great list of 2010 accomplishments by Barb Graff, Director of Emergency Management, and her staff at the Seattle Office of Emergency Management can be downloaded at: www.seattle.gov/emergency/docs/accomplishments_2010_seattle_oem.pdf
Free Ham Radio Technician License Exam Preparatory Class-- May 20, 2011 to May 22, 2011
April 3, 2011Amateur Radio operators are people from all walks of life--no matter what age, gender or physical ability. Did you know that most of the astronauts are Amateur Radio Operators? You're never too young or old. And, getting started in Amateur Radio has never been easier! Now, you no longer have to learn Morse Code to get your first Ham Radio License, the Technician Class, as in years past! Just pass a 35 question multiple choice exam given by volunteer Ham Radio Operators and you will be "on the air" in no time!
Read MorePreparing for disasters is as easy as 1-2-3
April 1, 2011April is Disaster Preparedness Month. VashonBePrepared, in conjunction with the King County Office of Emergency Management (OEM) urges citizens to take simple steps to prepare for earthquakes, floods, man-made disasters and other emergencies.
Read MoreVashonBePrepared Meeting to Discuss Little Known Vashon Earthquake Hazard
April 1, 2011 In just the last two years, federal earthquake scientists have completed analysis of the Tacoma Fault. As it turns out, the Tacoma Fault actually runs directly across the center of Vashon, the community that could be most affected if it ruptures. The latest computer analysis indicates that shaking from the fault could be as severe as the recent earthquakes in Christchurch and Sendai. That makes it doubly or even triply important for all of us to be prepared to sustain ourselves for as long as 10 days at home until help can arrive.