New Guidance for Seattle Citizens to Survive Tsunamis and Earthquakes
April 3, has a new set of nice publications for citizens with very basic advice to citizens for surviving and earthquake or tsunami.
Read MoreSeattle OEM 2010 Accomplishments
April 3, 2011A great list of 2010 accomplishments by Barb Graff, Director of Emergency Management, and her staff at the Seattle Office of Emergency Management can be downloaded at:
Free Ham Radio Technician License Exam Preparatory Class-- May 20, 2011 to May 22, 2011
April 3, 2011Amateur Radio operators are people from all walks of life--no matter what age, gender or physical ability. Did you know that most of the astronauts are Amateur Radio Operators? You're never too young or old. And, getting started in Amateur Radio has never been easier! Now, you no longer have to learn Morse Code to get your first Ham Radio License, the Technician Class, as in years past! Just pass a 35 question multiple choice exam given by volunteer Ham Radio Operators and you will be "on the air" in no time!
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