Cascadia Quake Potentially More Damaging than San Andreas or Japan’s Tōhoku
March 11, 2012In “Quake catastrophe like Japan's could hit Pacific Northwest, new data show” M. Alex Johnson of also reports on last month’s reports at the American Association for the Advancement of Science – noting that the Cascadia quake has numerous parallels with Japan’s Tōhoku disaster one year ago.
Latest on Auctioning of Public Safety “D” Block
August 7, 2011In case you are following the debate on auctioning off the “D” block – dearly desired by public safety officials for helping solve the interoperability issues so notable during the 9/11 attacks – check out this latest story by the National Journal which reports the legislation is definitely in play with the latest budget battles. (VashonBePrepared has not taken a stand on this issue, but knows many of you are tracking this issue!)
Obama signs rare Presidential Policy Directive (PPD-8) calling for National Preparedness Goal & System
April 9, 2011On March 30th, President Obama signed a Presidential Direction on the subject of “National Preparedness”, reflecting upon H1N1, Deepwater Horizon Christchurch and Sendai events - and lessons learned since the previous December 2003, Bush-era policy.
Subcommittee Reviews Status of U.S. Earthquake Preparedness
April 8, 2011Yesterday a lightly attended hearing was held by the Committee on Science, Space and Technology’s Subcommittee on Technology and Innovation looking at renewing funding for earthquake preparedness. Two northwesterners testified: Mr. Jim Mullen, Director, Washington State Emergency Management Division; President, National Emergency Management Association & Dr. Vicki McConnell, Oregon State Geologist and Director, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.
Now is NOT the time to Cut Back on Disaster Preparedness Funding
March 21, 2011Jim Mullen, director of the Washington State Emergency Management Division and president of the National Emergency Management Association, wrote an excellent op-ed in yesterday’s Seattle Times, citing the value in maintaining funding for disaster preparedness – which is currently under threat. Read it online at:
HR 607 Targets Amateur Radio - and Public TV & Radio
March 3, 2011The ARRL is mobilizing the amateur community to oppose HR 607, a bill that would offer up the entire amateur 70 cm allocation for other purposes as part of a spectrum swap:
FCC Rules that Amateurs May Participate in Non-Government-Sponsored Drills by Employers
July 17, 2010In a Report and Order (R&O) released Wednesday, July 14, the FCC stated that under new guidelines, amateurs employed by non-governmental agencies, such as hospitals, may participate and operate in drills sponsored by their employer. Specifically, the FCC will now permit Amateur Radio operators “to transmit messages, under certain limited circumstances, during either government-sponsored or non-government sponsored emergency and disaster preparedness drills, regardless of whether the operators are employees of entities participating in the drill.” More information will be posted on the ARRL Web site.
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