Amateur Radio (Ham) License testing session on Vashon
February 21, 2012Vashon Maury Island Radio Club announces an Amateur Radio (Ham) License testing session will be held on Vashon Island around the middle of March. Test costs about $14. Take advantage of these Technician, General, and Extra levels tests given on island.
King County Executive Dow Constantine Recognizes Vashon with Inaugural Community Preparedness Award
October 12, 2011The residents of Vashon and all the volunteers and organizations under the VashonBePrepared banner were honored Friday, September 30th by King County Executive Dow Constantine and King County Councilmember Joe McDermott - the final day of National Preparedness Month. As described by the actual 2011 King County Executive Award for Community Preparedness, and by the official King County press release, the award was to the entire community and emphasized the many contributors to Vashon’s preparedness. The Carnation-Duvall Citizen Corps Council was likewise lauded with a similar award.
King County Executive Dow Constantine’s 2011 Award for Community Preparedness to VashonBePrepared
October 7, 2011On September 30th, King County Executive Dow Constantine presented the citizens of Vashon and the organizations that comprise VashonBePrepared with his 2011 Award for Community Preparedness as noted in the King County press release and my comments on the award. The actual text of the award follows:
VMIRC’s Delightful 2011 Field Day-- “Best Yet!”
June 27, 201136 amateur radio operators and elected officials attended Vashon-Maury Island Radio Club’s 2011 Field Day Saturday and Sunday.
VIFR to get Introduction to ARES
June 27, 2011John Galus will give an Introduction to Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES) to VIFR firefighters and EMTs at VIFR Fire Station 55 at 7 PM(?) on July 5th.
Vashon Maury Island Radio Club celebrates “Amateur Radio Week” with Field Day
May 28, 2011Vashon Maury Island Radio Club will celebrate Washington’s Amateur Radio Week on Vashon with our own Field Day. (We’ll actually be over achievers by holding a two day event, on June 24 & 25!)
Dayton Hamvention 2011
May 22, 2011There’re a few hot new releases from this weekend’s Hamvention over in my old home state. And I’m not referring to the sewage issue there!
Read MoreVMIRC Meets this Tuesday at 7 PM in the EOC
April 29, 2011The Vashon Maury Island Radio Club’s May meeting will be this coming Tuesday, May 3rd. 7:00PM at Vashon Fire Station 55 in the EOC room. Our first Show & Tell "Topic - Randy Bardwell, K7RDB presents his home-brew, high tech "uber go-box" and also VMIRC Business Meeting.
Pimp Your Go Box
April 12, 2011Randy’s got the hottest (communications, not survival) go-box on Vashon – at least that I’m aware of. I don’t see any straps on it to carry it around, but otherwise it looks pretty impressive. Check it out at
Seattle’s Community Preparedness Summit
April 9, 2011Curious how Seattle handles citizen preparedness education and communication flows, I’m at the most recent Community Preparedness Summit, hosted by Seattle OEM’s Mark Howard and Barb Graff this morning. In addition to making lots of contacts from VashonBePrepared’s sister organizations on this side of the ocean, I was especially interested to learn more about how Seattle encourages and teaches their citizens to prepare for whatever events lie ahead.
Free Ham Radio Technician License Exam Preparatory Class-- May 20, 2011 to May 22, 2011
April 3, 2011Amateur Radio operators are people from all walks of life--no matter what age, gender or physical ability. Did you know that most of the astronauts are Amateur Radio Operators? You're never too young or old. And, getting started in Amateur Radio has never been easier! Now, you no longer have to learn Morse Code to get your first Ham Radio License, the Technician Class, as in years past! Just pass a 35 question multiple choice exam given by volunteer Ham Radio Operators and you will be "on the air" in no time!
Read MoreAntenna Remount at VIFR Station 55
March 30, 2011Thanks to Phil W7PDZ, Tim W7TRH, Jim WA7KYI & VIFR’s Bob Larsen
for dismounting and initiating repairs on the aged mount for the 3-30 MHz HF antenna at the EOC at VIFR Station 55 yesterday. The antenna fit over an aluminum cylinder that was welded to the mast. That cylinder fatigued over time and snapped & is being replaced with something heavier. Jim kindly agreed to oversee the repairs and I understand Bob Powell has been recruited to help out too.
HR 607 Targets Amateur Radio - and Public TV & Radio
March 3, 2011The ARRL is mobilizing the amateur community to oppose HR 607, a bill that would offer up the entire amateur 70 cm allocation for other purposes as part of a spectrum swap:
FCC Rules that Amateurs May Participate in Non-Government-Sponsored Drills by Employers
July 17, 2010In a Report and Order (R&O) released Wednesday, July 14, the FCC stated that under new guidelines, amateurs employed by non-governmental agencies, such as hospitals, may participate and operate in drills sponsored by their employer. Specifically, the FCC will now permit Amateur Radio operators “to transmit messages, under certain limited circumstances, during either government-sponsored or non-government sponsored emergency and disaster preparedness drills, regardless of whether the operators are employees of entities participating in the drill.” More information will be posted on the ARRL Web site.
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